Energy Healing / Follow The Energy.

Did you know energy is our first language? We just put words to energy. Energy is all around us, we are all energetic beings in a body, it flows through us & connects us. There is no separation with energy there is only energy. How often do you think of somebody and then you bump into them or you hear from them? Sometimes the energy can be heavy, light, intense, fast, slow, expansive or contracted. ​​​​​​​​
You can sense the energy or vibe of a person as soon as you meet them or when you walk into a room. Energy is what we tune into when we interact/engage with each other, we are not encouraged to listen & trust the energy we perceive, we get distracted with the words & other factors. ​​​​​​​​
Trusting the energy of what you are perceiving is one of the key things that can help navigate life. What do I mean by this? So how often did you not listen to the energy of something and listened to your head or someone else? ​​​​​​​​
The more you trust the energy you are perceiving the more you will be empowered to follow you knowing. It is really simple, if the energy is heavy & you follow the heaviness this will create more heaviness, if the energy light and you follow the lightness this will create more lightness. ​​​​​​​​
If you feel heaviness in your world, what can you do to shift this energy? Energy can change form you just have to choose to change it. ​​​​​​​​
Keep it simple follow the energy of what makes you happy, joyful, lighter & you will create more of this in your life & your world. ​​​​​​​​

Maria Cooper-Gomes