Why train in Reiki Healing?

As a Reiki Master Teacher working and living in London, I have witnessed a huge increase in Reiki courses in London from a wide variety of Reiki Masters. Students come to Reiki for all sorts of reasons and from all sorts backgrounds.

When I first embarked on my journey of Reiki training in London over 26 years ago Reiki was this strange and weird thing nobody had heard of. It was so out of the mainstream reality in the western world, as a way of approaching health and wellness, it was considered as a cult, hippy and woo woo!  Fast forwarding to 2023 it brings me so much joy that Reiki courses in London and nationally have grown in popularity and it is now considered the most respected forms of energy healing. It is being used in many clinical settings like hospitals and hospices etc.

 So, what is Reiki healing?

Reiki is a Japanese term given 100 years ago by the founder Dr Usui, meaning universal life force energy, to keep it simple it is natural energy which flows all around us and through us. Its existence is acknowledged in all cultures and religions on the planet although they have different names for it “Chi” in China, “Prana” in India and “Light” in Christian countries.

Reiki healing is not a religion it is a system of natural healing which is accessible to everyone. Reiki energy is gentle and non-invasive which makes it a very easy to learn and train in. It is a hands-on healing technique which makes it an ideal method to learn for personal self-care / self-development as well as for family and friends to benefit from. There are many forms of Reiki training and classes available in London however they all have one thing in common and that is brining the mind, body and soul in balance and harmony.

 What happens during a in a Reiki Session?

As a recipient (client) you will lie on a massage bed fully clothed, the practitioner or Reiki Master will lightly touch your body starting with your head. The reason for this is when you quieten the mind the body relaxes thus allowing the healing to take place naturally. The practitioner will then move to next position, each position is held for a 2/3 mins, longer if that is what the body requires. The laying of the hands is continued down front of the body and then the back of the body is treated. The hand positions are not randomly positioned they are placed on certain parts of the body treating organs like the liver, spleen, womb area, also parts of the body like the throat, heart etc.

Everyone experiences Reiki healing differently, some people feel heat coming out the practitioner’s hand, energy moving on the area that is being worked on, emotional release during or after the session, some people see colours, get insights and messages about their situation. Generally, most people experience a deep relaxation, feeling calm and grounded, this feeling of wellbeing continues after the session.

 What are the 3 different levels of Reiki training / courses available?

As I mentioned previously everyone and anyone can choose to train in Reiki. Each one of us have the ability heal ourselves as we all possess universal life force energy. One of the main things that happens during the training is the student receives attunements (by the Master / teacher) which opens the energy of the hands, heart, third eye and crown to harness the universal life force energy.

Level 1 Reiki training – This Reiki course is for anyone who is interested in personal growth, self-healing, embarking on their spiritual journey, seeking to take charge of their well-being. This focus of this course is “SELF HEALING”, bringing your attention to the physical body thus helping you become present with your own body. So often we are detached from our body and living in our head especially living our fast pace lives! One you complete the Reiki training you can practice it on your family and friends, kids love it.

Level 2 Reiki training – This Reiki course is for anyone who is looking to deepen their connection with the energy as well as looking to be a practitioner. You do not have to necessarily choose this Reiki 2 course to be a Reiki practitioner you can choose it to continue with your personal growth. This Reiki course will enable you to send distant healing. Reiki healing energy is not linear and does not have done with the person present. If you are looking to start your journey as a Reiki practitioner this Reiki training will open that door for you to get insured be part of Reiki regulating bodies like CNHC, Reiki Federation etc and allow you to practice professionally.

Master / Teacher Training Course.

This is the final stage of the Reiki training journey. This course will enable you to be a Master / teacher so that you can hold Reiki courses / training. It will consolidate Reiki 1 & 2 course and you will learn how to perform the attunements on the students.

 Reasons why I learnt Reiki.

I decided to train in Reiki healing because my first Reiki session was so powerful and profound and I immediately knew that I wanted to learn it. During my Reiki course I felt this sense of peace and calm which I had never felt before. The emotions that were causing my eczema to be angry and red were able to be released during and after the course allowing the healing that was required to take place. I had a spiritual awakening which opened a door to whole new world that I did not know existed. I felt a deep connection to the world around me had many awareness and aha moments about my life, everything became clear and made sense. This experience inspired me to continue with my training with Reiki 2 and Master Teacher courses in London.


Maria Cooper-Gomes